It’s time for Tea


在The Alley裡席地而坐,放空想著自己想過的生活,悠閒舒服的為自己來杯午後茶,
沉醉在像春日般的夢境,像微甜的蜂蜜,說不上的愜意都會透過The Alley的飲品傳遞在心裡,
It's time for tea !

秉持這份初衷,「The Alley」就這樣誕生了。

難以形容卻令人神往的寫意,透過The Alley的飲品,再度勾勒出一個美好生活應有的樣貌。

每個人的心中,都有一杯好茶,在那悠閒的午後,陽光灑落的溫度,微風輕拂的快適,情人甜蜜的微笑,口中回甘的韻味。憶起初次喝到好茶的感動,說不上的愜意都會透過「The Alley」的飲品傳遞在心裡,It's time for tea !

Making our own sugar cane syrup 每日熬煮蔗糖


Freshly Prepared Tapioca (Deerioca) 新鮮熬煮黑糖鹿丸


Carefully Selected Tea Leaves 嚴選烘焙茶葉


  • A Walk Through The Alley

    The Alley is proud to offer tapioca pearls made by hand and with heart. The Alley welcomes you to watch as we prepare our tapioca from scratch: from the measuring, sifting, and mixing of ingredients to the formation of the pearl-shaped tapioca. Through this manual performance, we deliver soft, chewy tapioca available in various unique flavours.

    用心職人手做鹿丸珍珠。 限定手作實演的自信,透明製作的過程。 從量粉、篩粉、調配,純手工製做鹿丸珍珠, 咬的是彈勁 吃的是獨特口味 健康安於心。

  • The Origins of Our Tea

    Every beverage from The Alley has a story of more than 500 days starting from the harvest of the tea leaves, the processing and aging of the leaves, the infusion of flavours to the selection of ingredients and their ratios. Our distinctive drinks are attributed to this process, in order for you to enjoy only the finest flavours. With each cup comes its own aroma, taste, and character. We share our drinks with you so that you may be part of our story.

    一杯小巷飲品是五百多個日子的孕育, 緩慢的步調只為了將茶本質完美呈遞,只為能與您更貼近。 每杯茶都有自信韻味與香氣, 一杯一遞即便短暫,卻永難忘懷。

  • Our Tapioca Pearls

    The Alley is proud to offer tapioca pearls made by hand and with heart. The Alley welcomes you to watch as we prepare our tapioca from scratch: from the measuring, sifting, and mixing of ingredients to the formation of the pearl-shaped tapioca. Through this manual performance, we deliver soft, chewy tapioca available in various unique flavours.

    用心職人手做鹿丸珍珠。 限定手作實演的自信,透明製作的過程, 從量粉、篩粉、調配,純手工製做鹿丸珍珠, 咬的是彈勁 吃的是獨特口味 健康安於心。

    • 永樂店

    • Address: 澳門惠愛街67號至69號及鏡湖馬路92至100號新時大厦地下C座

      TEL: +(853)6280-8910

      OPEN: 上午11:00 - 晚上21:00

    • 大堂店

    • Address: 澳門大堂巷街16A鋪

      TEL: +(853)656-68106

      OPEN: 上午11:30 - 晚上20:45

The Alley 鹿角巷

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the alley